How to add mods to manage your bot for twitch

I am a mod in my friend’s server and she does not know how to let me manage the bot. can anyone help?

have you tried adding a simple command using !commands add !test test command yet?

I was able to add commands in a channel I’m a mod in without any changes to how nightbot works.

Hey @lazaraxis37!

In order to add a Nightbot manager, both the streamer and moderator need to go to their Nightbot settings, then:

  • the moderator needs to copy their user ID (top right corner) and share it with the streamer,
  • the streamer has to click on the “New Manager”, and paste the moderator’s user ID there.

Hope that helps!

Thank you, really appreciate it, hope you have a great night we got it figured out…:slightly_smiling_face:

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