After the positive reactions & feedback I got for sharing my Destiny and Division command on the forums, I present to you the Overwatch command. For this project I teamed up with OverwatchTracker, they were able to provide me these awesome statistics. The usage is the same as the other commands you might be used to.
How it works:
!overwatch < action > < username > < platform >
!overwatch skills xgerhard xbox
xgerhard: xgerhard’s Solo kills: 138 (#514, Top 72%). -
!overwatch kd randomuser ps
xgerhard: randomuser’s K/D ratio: 1,17 (#662, Top 93%). -
!overwatch games user-1234 pc
xgerhard: user-1234’s Games Played: 57 (#516, Top 72%).
Usernames are case sensitive
If your BattleNet tag is User#1234, replace # with -, like this: User-1234
Use + instead of spaces in your username: !overwatch kills user+with+spaces xbox
Available platforms: xbox, ps, pc
< action >
‘Action’ is the stat you would to display.
(Full up to date command list here: https://2g.be/twitch/Overwatch/)
Action list:
- kd (Kill/Death ratio)
- kda (Kill+Assists/Death ratio)
- wins (Total wins)
- winp (Win %)
- lvl (Player level)
- games (Games played)
- score (Total score)
- eliminations (Total eliminations)
- healing (Total healing done)
- finalblows (Total final blows)
- dmg (Total dmg done)
- kpg (Kills per game)
- profile (Returns OverwatchTracker profile url)
Kills / Deaths / Assists
- skills (Total solo kills)
- okills (Total objective kills)
- mkills (Total multi kills)
- ekills (Total environmental kills)
- deaths (Total deaths)
- edeaths (Total environmental deaths)
- assists (Total assists)
- defassists (Total defensive assists)
- offassists (Total offensive assists)
- time (Total playtime)
- firetime (Total time spent on fire)
- obtime (Total objective time)
- cards (Total Card rewards)
- medals (Total medals)
- gmedals (Total Gold medals)
- smedals (Total Silver medals)
- bmedals (Total Bronze medals)
Best in 1 game
- mskills (Most Solo kills in 1 game)
- mokills (Most Objective kills in 1 game)
- meliminations (Most Eliminations in 1 game)
- mfinalblows (Most Final blows in 1 game)
- mdmg (Most Damage done in 1 game)
- mhealing (Most Healing done in 1 game)
- mdefassists (Most deffensive assists in 1 game)
- moffassists (Most offensive assists in 1 game)
- motime (Most objective time in 1 game)
- mfiretime (Most time spent on fire)
- commands (Link to commands list)
- install (Link to install guide)
- contact (Contact info)
- donate (Support info)
- Hero specific
If you want to check stats for a Hero specific, just type the Hero’s name before the stat. For example:
!overwatch tracerkd xgerhard xbox
xgerhard: xgerhard’s Tracer K/D ratio: 0,98 (#456, Top 76%). -
!overwatch meikpg xgerhard xbox
xgerhard: xgerhard’s Mei Kills per game: 3,00 (#201, Top 42%). -
!overwatch widowmakerfiretime xgerhard xbox
xgerhard: xgerhard’s Widowmaker Time spent on Fire: 21 days, 18 hours and 0 minutes (522.00 hours), (#67, Top 10%).
Available champions: Lucio, Reaper, Tracer, Mercy, Hanzo, Torbjorn, Reinhardt, Pharah, Winston, Widowmaker, Bastion, Symmetra, Zenyatta, Genji, McCree, Zarya, Soldier76, DVa, Mei, Ana, Roadhog, Junkrat, Sombra, Orisa, Doomfist.
< gamertag / psn / BattleNet >
The username you use. Use + instead of spaces in your username.
Usernames are case sensitive.
For example: !overwatch skills user+with+spaces xbox
BattleNet users replace # with -.
For example: !overwatch skills user-1234 pc
< platform >
Available platforms are: xbox/ps/pc.
Install (Update 5 Jan 2017 - New copy-pasta command)
Installing is simple, just copy paste the following command:
!commands add !overwatch -cd=5 -ul=everyone $(urlfetch https://2g.be/twitch/Overwatch/command/query=$(querystring)&defaultconsole=xbox)
Note: Make sure to change xbox to your personal default console xbox/ps/pc.
Note: You can change the userlevel (-ul) and cooldown (-cd) to your preferences.
Note: Add &hideBnetID add the end of the url to hide Battlenet ID’s
Or use the command generator over here: https://2g.be/twitch/Overwatch/
Update: setplayer command
Since typing the usernames can be a struggle (case sensitive, replacing stuff) use the new setplayer command, the command will link your Twitch username to your Overwatch account.
Usage: !overwatch setplayer xgerhard xbox
This also works for region specific accounts:
!overwatch setplayer xgerhad-1234-eu pc
After linking your account, you can just use the command without having to type your username:
xgerhard: !overwatch skillrating
Nightbot: [Dev] xgerhard: xgerhard’s Skill Rating: 2.407 (#60.077, Top 23%).
Questions or feedback?
Twitch: Xgerhard
Twitter: @Gerhardoh
Discord: xgerhard#2439