WoT stats for Nightbot

Heya Vrana

I am a WoT streamer too !! This is actually on my “To Do” list :slight_smile: I already have one public WoT API that you might like to look at and also another that does not actually run through NB but you are welcome to use if you like.

The NB one is https://community.nightdev.com/t/customapi-countdowns-syncdrops-by-zoeballz/33563 but can be used for other games as well.

The other, that is WoT specific, is https://zoeballz.tv/wot/_Blacklist/blacklist_friendlist_analyser.html . People can use it by just going to that link. I will be adding WN8 to it’s analysis in the next couple of weeks.

What you are talking about is a lot more complicated than you think by only using the WG API, but I just got access to WoTLabs API last week which will make things a LOT easier and quicker. I will probably be working on it in the next week or so.

All the best


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