Wiped when active

Hey @arkaliande!

If you lost personal custom commands when you shouldn’t have, you can try the following:

Keep in mind that your personal custom commands aren’t commands you added to other streamer’s instances of Nightbot, those aren’t gone (unless the streamer was inactive as well), you just temporarily lost access to them.

If when you were on the dashboard under your name—meaning that at the top right corner you only see your profile picture, your profile picture isn’t on the bottom right of the streamer’s—you had custom commands, then your custom commands have wrongly been pruned.
If however you only worked on other streamers’ dashboards and added your commands only there, then your account was properly flagged as inactive. Adding back a manager isn’t an heavy task, just ask the streamers to add you back if you haven’t gotten access back to them already. Don’t bother the dev in that case.