Warn Chatters when they use banned words

Yes, I was just showing your message, the [warning] part will be added at the end.
The one you saw in another stream was it by Nightbot?

The reason I asked, was that I didn’t see that warning come across. Is that be design?

In the spam settings you can enable “silent timeout”, which will not give that warning message. Thus silent.

The silent is “Not” enabled, so - the channel should have seen the custom message, is that correct?

Yes that is correct, here is an example photo for what your looking for:

Thank you, the thing [perhaps I am too old lol ] is that someone did a test, but I didn’t seem the “warning”… This is why I am asking an obvious question. :smile:

Umm, perhaps it was just that I didn’t save the setting too? ummm yeah? LOL

A warning is pretty much just a timeout that last a few seconds. Better known as a purge, and the [warning] text only shows at the end of your custom timeout message the first time a user says a blacklisted phrase (which can be seen in the first screenshot provided). If they say the phrase again shortly after the warning/purge, they will then get a timeout that last for 10 minutes and the [warning] text will not show as it’s not a warning, but an actual timeout (which can be seen in the second screenshot provided). This is the same for the other spam filters such as links, emotes, caps, etc.

First Screenshot:

Second Screenshot:

But to directly answer your question, you may not have seen the [warning] text because it was not a warning, but an actual timeout.

Hopefully this helps!

These are my settings: During the stream today, I asked peeps to use some potty mouth , there was no warning from NightBot. They saw what they types, but everyone else saw asterisks.

What am I doing wrong?

Have you actually blacklisted any phrases in nightbot?

LOL - yes, I didn’t want to well… display them… but, great question. The word that I asked them to test was “shit” and it is in the list.

All the words are separated by a space… will that work?

No, you would have to add each word as a separate phrase

well… that is annoying… then… I have lots of cut and paste to do. Thanks… for that… I simply didn’t understand what was happening. :smile:

Seeing *** means that your opted into the Twitch global banned words. This will transform any harsh words into ***'s for the whole chat.

Currently you cannot use the Nightbot spam blacklist for only ***'s as it’s used for wildcards.

Here is some links to point you in the right direction.

Again… thank you for the support… I will test this out tomorrow morning. Seems like a very basic thing.

Just to make sure, there is not “mass” add for this feature? I have to add each word… separately?

No there isn’t. For your case a better option would be to use the Twitch Banned words menu. And add words on an as need basis.

What would happen if someone used a banned word that is in both Twitch and Nightbot? Would the warning from Nightbot go off?

What would happen is that word would be changed to *** by Twitch. Nightbot cannot use spam black list on ***'s. So you cannot use it in order to time someone out. At this point you would need another bot if you wanted it to be automatic.

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