Hey, new streamer here. I’m trying to create my discord command. I’ve done the integration and am using discord.gg/(your code here) in my command message but it’s not putting the link it’s replacing it with “***” I have disabled all spam filters and nothing seems to work.
This would indicate that Nightbot is not modded. Please mod Nightbot in your chat in order to fix this: Nightbot Troubleshooting
I modded Nightbot in my Twitch chat and it still didn’t work.
My apologies. Are you experiencing the links being censored in discord or twitch? I believe I may have misunderstood.
Hey @crysti1575!
I just checked, and Nightbot
isn’t mod on your channel, nigtbot
is however:
Unmod the typo account, use the following command in your chat: /unmod nigtbot
Then to mod Nightbot: /mod Nightbot
Copy/paste the commands to avoid further typos.
Typos are for text what a negative is for math, murderes fixed it.
I got it. Played with my moderation settings.
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