Is it possible to make a custom command for nightbot so you can list queues?
Like if you for example write !joinqueue it saves your name in a list, so you can see who’s the next person who can join viewergames.
Like this:
test1: !joinqueue
test2: !joinqueue
test3: !joinqueue
host: !viewqueue
so basicly the first person who wrote !joinqueue is in the top of the list
Update: I made new queue commands that are more versatile and include a leave feature. Here is the website that generates the commands: https://vxrl.xyz/commands/queue
Go to https://twitch.center/customapi/quote/generate. You will see three lines. After token= on the first line, you will see your first token. After token= on the second and third lines, you will see your second token. Use these to replace FIRSTTOKEN and SECONDTOKEN before you add the following commands.
!commands add !joinqueue -a=!joinqueueadder $(eval queueString = `$(urlfetch http://twitch.center/customapi/quote/list?token=FIRSTTOKEN)`; userExists = false; regex = /\d+\. (.*?) /g; while ((match = regex.exec(queueString)) !== null){if (match[1] === `$(user)`){userExists = true}} if (userExists) {"="} else {"=" + encodeURIComponent(`$(user) `)})
!commands add !joinqueueadder $(eval `$(urlfetch http://twitch.center/customapi/addquote?token=SECONDTOKEN&data$(query))`.includes("Successfully added entry") ? `$(user) was added to the viewer game queue` : `$(user) is already in the viewer game queue`)
!commands add !viewqueue $(eval (queueString = `$(urlfetch http://twitch.center/customapi/quote/list?token=FIRSTTOKEN)`) === "There are no quotes added" ? "The viewer game queue is empty" : queueString)
!commands add !popqueue -ul=moderator $(eval (removedViewer = `$(urlfetch http://twitch.center/customapi/delquote?token=SECONDTOKEN&data=1)`).includes("Successfully deleted entry") ? (removedViewer.substr(removedViewer.indexOf(":") + 1) + " was removed from the viewer game queue") : "The viewer game queue is already empty")
!commands add !clearqueue -ul=moderator $(eval if (`$(urlfetch http://twitch.center/customapi/quote/list?token=FIRSTTOKEN)` === "There are no quotes added"){"The viewer game queue is already empty"} else {`$(urlfetch http://twitch.center/customapi/delquote?token=SECONDTOKEN&clear=1)`; "The viewer game queue has been cleared"})
Thank you so much for the reply!
I did exactly what u said. Replaced FIRSTTOOKEN and SECONDTOKEN with the tokens from the generate link, and entered it to the twitch chat. After the numbers and letters there are som more: “&data=$(querystring))”. Should I replace these aswell? Or are the tokens only the first numbers and letters before “&data”?
I get this for answer by Nightbot:
I first wrote !joinqueue ; "AlqeeNo was added to the viewer game queue"
So !joinqueue seems fine, but when I write !viewqueue; “Right-hand side of ‘instanceof’ is not an object === “There are no quotes added” ? “The viewer game queue is empty” : queueString)”.
I dont know what im doing wrong, but you may know?
Make sure that you are copying the commands exactly, and only replacing FIRSTTOKEN and SECONDTOKEN. I just did this and can verify that the commands work. Also let me know if you want me to make a !leavequeue command that allows the viewers to remove themselves.
I did replace tokens in the right way now, and I dont get that long error anymore, but I get “Right-hand side of ‘instanceof’ is not an object” when I write !viewqueue
Nobody should be manually activating !joinqueueadder. It is a helper command that !joinqueue automatically uses. It is necessary because there is no other way to pass information from the $(eval)'s JavaScript to a Nightbot variable.
Tested it on a live stream with 30 viewers now, where im mod. Only I can write !joinqueue and get added in the list (and response from nightbot). When the other viewers write !joinqueue, nightbot doesnt respond. I have it on “userlevel: everyone” ofcourse. How come?
Alright so I found out that !joinqueueadder had to be userlevel: everyone, then everyone can write !joinqueue and be added to the list thats awesome!
One more thing. Sry for bothering you so much, but is there any way to make a command !queuenext? So the nr 1 person in the list gets removed and nr. 2 becomes nr. 1?
I forgot that this is how that works. You can make !joinqueueadder’s userlevel “everyone”, but then people can add arbitrary things to the queue. I’ll have to think about a better solution.
Got this when I wrote !popqueue:
"$(eval (removedViewer = $(urlfetch http://twitch.center/customapi/delquote?token=TOKEN&data=1)).includes(“Successfully deleted entry”) ? ( removedViewer.substr(removedViewer.indexOf( “:”) + 1) + " was removed from the viewer game queue") : “The viewer game queue is already empty”
Is it bad when the token gets public for all in the chat?
Is it possible to make a command so I can write !joinqueue nickname", so I can add people in the list without them have to write the command themselves?