Nightbot won't create commands from chat

Hello, my Nightbot will not create commands from my chat by myself or my moderators. Nightbot does respond to commands but will not create or edit existing ones. I can’t recall if Nightbot ever successfully created commands in my chat before as I’ve always just used the Dashboard when something didn’t work, but now I need moderators to be able to add and edit commands.

Example command used: !addcom !testing this is a test message

I’ve followed the troubleshooting steps outlined here:

I’ve also removed all other bots from my stream. I did have a name change on twitch over two years ago but I’ve logged in/out of the Nightbot Dashboard dozens of times since then. Can anyone help me?

Hiya, please check if the !commands command is enabled, and if the userlevel settings are setup correct at: Nightbot

That was it! Thank you so much.

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