hi, i use nightbot maybe 1 year ago but now its not working anymore
Hello officialhaamu. How are you doing? Could you be more specific about the issue? Have you modded Nightbot? Does he (or she :3) appear as a viewer on your chat?
Thanks for the additional info!
twitch say nightbot is connected in my channel but he dont appear as a wiewer in my chat
Hey @officialhaamu!
Have you tried following these steps?
Problem is that nightbot dont join in my twitch stream. Controll panel dont show nightbot. Yeah i change my nickname and reconnect nightbot in my channel but its not still work
Have you tried logging off and back in from the dashboard, then making Nightbot leave your channel and join back?
yeah i have tried that many times
Hmm, alright, have you tried running /unignore nightbot
in you chat as well?
If yes and it didn’t fix the issue, I’m afraid I don’t know what the problem is, I’m sorry.
If you changed your Twitch username you may need to log out of the control panel, log back in, part Nightbot, and then join Nightbot.