I've made a command that allows your viewers to create clips on any platform (Twitch, YouTube, etc.)


I know this is in demand so I am posting this here as it might benefit some users. Background: I run neatclip.com, a site that provides universal clipping to for all livestreams.

I’ve been working on a custom command for a while that allows your viewers to create clips themselves in the chat. Using a new version of my own API and Nightbot, the following custom command will do the job:

$(urlfetch https://api.neatclip.com/v1/clip/create.php?api_key=INSERT_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE&stream_url=INSERT_LINK_TO_YOUR_CHANNEL_HERE)

wherein api_key is an api key you can get here after signing up and stream_url is a link to your channel (e.g. https://www.youtube.com/user/PewDiePie).

An example for how this command could look like:

Example of a result on YouTube (works the same for other platforms):

More detailed documentation/information is available here.

Hope this helps someone that’s looking for this, either on here or on Google. Unfortunately, Mixer is not ready yet for this but I’m working on that. I’m available for any questions. Thanks!


where i paste that custom command?

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The urlfetch part can be pasted in the Message field.
The command, userlevel, cooldown can be set to your preferences. Alias field should be left empty.

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So i did everything you did and when i type !clip it says ‚The Remote Server is not responding‘ or it‘s currently offline idk, what can i do against this?

Hi, good question. I’ve included an image in the original post that shows an example of a valid custom command in Nightbot.

@authentictwitch Remove the json from the command, this should fix the issue.

Will you be implementing a way to customise the message that is displayed after the !clip command is completed? I also think the clips are 2 minutes and not 60 seconds?

Hi, so two things here:

Will you be implementing a way to customise the message that is displayed after the !clip command is completed?

Sure, we are completely open to that. What kind of options would you like here?

I also think the clips are 2 minutes and not 60 seconds?

The clip is 60 seconds long. Initially, the clip video will be technically 120 seconds long but the clip is cut to 60 seconds using JavaScript. In the background, we then cut the 120 seconds long video to a 60 seconds long one and update the video file as soon as that is completed. This takes about 1-5 minutes. If you want to grab the clip, you have 4 options:

  • Grab the clip right away (120 seconds long)
  • Grab the clip right away and cut it yourself (xxx seconds long)
  • Wait until we have cut the clip on our servers (60 seconds long)
  • Wait until we have cut the clip on our servers and then cut it yourself (xxx seconds long)

I need help, could someone explain what I am doing wrong?

How can I do the Comand twitch and the houses make the short clip

This is so nicee, I will try it on a twitch channel!

How i can trasnlate bot answer to another language? here is your clip of last 60 sec ( i need this in another language )

I have created the command but when I use it the bot come back with no message or url

Did u find a solution to this i have the same problem to it?

Great idea of realization. I was looking for something like this.

is there a way to get it to automatically post the clip to discord?