So for whatever reason, I can get nightbot to show up in the chat, via command, for Twitch, but for youtube, I can’t. Is there a reason why? i will post screenshots below to show what I did to set up nightbot for youtube. Some screenshots may end up being in the replies.
If you are referring to the !youtube
timer and command response not appearing in Twitch chat when used, it is most likely one of these three things:
Is Nightbot a moderator in your channel?
Do you have automod configured to block links?
Do you have automod configured to block any strings?
Naw, I’m talking about nightbot appearing in the youtube chat. the nightbot is appearing in the twitch chat, but not youtube’s chat. Nightbot is a moderator on my channel. how do i know if i have an automod or not? Cuz I don’t know how to answer the last two questions.
Go to your YouTube Studio, on the bottom left corner click on Settings
, then Community
Also, since you’re having an issue on YouTube, make sure you’re looking at Live Chat
and not Top Chat
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