Fortnite Battle Royale stats in your chat


  1. Setplayer is a feature to link a Twitch account to a Fortnite username. So you can’t set it for a whole channel, setplayer only effects when you yourself use the command. When !fortnite is active everybody can use setplayer to link their account.
    If you want to only display the streamers stats, you can add a separate command that will only show the streamers stats, for example:
    !commands add -cd=5 -ul=everyone !stats $(urlfetch streamersname pc)

  2. Have a look at it’s possible however it will show the wins for each playlist separately. It wont effect the !fortnite command, you can set a custom command name for the daily stats.

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It seems nightbot cant fetch stats anymore, always getting this response for any username : * No stats found for user: USERNAME [PSN]. Console player? Please follow these instructions:

I have the command set as : commands add !total -cd=5 -ul=everyone $(urlfetch with the USERNAME as a set Epic Username


Hiya, your commands looks correct. When the fortnitetracker API is returning an unknown error this is the default message, I’ll change this to something more clear.

Why is it returning an error? I’ve contacted the fortnitetracker guys and we’re looking into it!

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Not to sure on the process, seems like the API is having trouble retrieving information from the fortnite tracker website.


Yup still might be some issues, there has not been an update yet.

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xd, looks good, it is a good game


Getting a different error message now.

Something went wrong getting data from the API please try again later.

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Yup, I changed that error message, it describes whats going on. My script is not receiving the data that it needs, aka no stats. So I’m hoping the Fortnitetracker guys can fix it, however they are depening on the Epic Games data resource and their rate limits.

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Is there a way to link info to Yunite or some website to verify people’s fortnite accounts on youtube


Not exactly sure what you mean, but there is no connection with Yunite of Youtube, it only grabs the data from Fortnitetracker website.

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Hello we can use that on YouTube ?


Yes! Just follow the instructions in the start post.

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Hi there,

Do you also have this for call of duty, warzone? to show my KD in a command?

bit hard to understand but ok

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Hiya, I currently dont have this for Call of duty no.


Hiya, if you have questions, just ask them here.

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I just want to settup a command with nightbot who shows my kd stats on call of duty (up to date) so I was wondering someone could help me :slight_smile:

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Hey so I don’t know if this is possible but is there a way to do daily stats? or even like stats during a certain time for streaming?

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Hiya, yes have a look at:

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HI Xgergard every time I try putting my stats for playstation it either shows an error of profile not found but if I search on fortnite tracker it appears or it shows the pc stats which I don’t want.

can you help me to only show my playstation stats without any error message as I put the correct profile