Data provided by <3
!fortnite action username platform
!fortnite kd xgerhard pc
xgerhard: xgerhard’s K/d: 0.95 (Top 63%) [Solo].
!fortnite time xgerhard pc
xgerhard: xgerhard’s Time Played: 1 hours and 53 minutes (1.88 hours) (Top 81%) [Solo].
!fortnite stats xgerhard pc
xgerhard: xgerhard’s stats summary: [Wins: 0, Matches: 20, K/d: 0.95, Kills: 19, Kills Per Match: 0.95] [Solo].
!fortnite duo xgerhard pc
xgerhard: xgerhard’s stats summary: [Wins: 3, Matches: 53, K/d: 2.14, Kills: 107, Kills Per Match: 2.02] [Duo].
Available regions: pc, gamepad (Default = PC)
Available playlists: Solo, Duo, Trio, Squad, Lifetime (Default = Solo. Lifetime = All playlists combined)
Get playlist stats by adding the playlist name before the action, for example:
!fortnite duokd xgerhard pc
(K/D ration in duo playlist)
!fortnite squadwins xgerhard pc
(Wins in the squad playlist)
!fortnite duotime xgerhard pc
(Time played in duo playlist)
!fortnite lifetimewins xgerhard pc
(Total wins in all playlist combined)
Use the setplayer command to link your Fortnite account, for example:
!fortnite setplayer xgerhard pc
Now when I use !fortnite kd
it will take my stats without entering the username.
- setplayer (Link your Fortnite username to your chat account)
- help (Link to this page)
Summary (Summary includes: score, kd, kills, matches, wins, kpg)
- stats (Summary of current playlist)
- solo (Summary of solo playlist)
- duo (Summary of duo playlist)
- trio (Summary of trio playlist)
- squad (Summary of squad playlist)
- score (Fortnite score)
- kd (K/d ratio)
- kills (Total kills)
- wins (Total wins)
- matches (Matches played)
- kpm (Kills per minute)
- kpg (Kills per game)
- top3 (Top 3 finishes)
- top5 (Top 5 finishes)
- top6 (Top 6 finishes)
- top10 (Top 10 finishes)
- top12 (Top 12 finishes)
- top25 (Top 25 finishes)
For the full list check here: XG !Fortnite command
Installation is simple
Copy - Paste the following code in your chat:
!commands add -cd=5 -ul=everyone !fortnite $(urlfetch$(querystring))
Optional parameters:
- default_platform - Set a default paltform for your users (pc, gamepad), when no platform is specified this platform will be used.
For example &default_platform=gamepad
, when a user types !fortnite solo xgerhard
the command will now check the solo gamepad stats.
You can still force the command to check a different platform, by typing for example !fortnite solo xgerhard pc
to check the solo pcstats.
- default_playlist - Set a default playlist for your users (solo, duo, trio, squad), when no playlist is specified this playlist will be used.
For example &default_playlist=squad
, when a user types !fortnite stats xgerhard
the command will now check the squad stats.
You can still force the command to check a different playlist, by typing for example !fortnite duostats xgerhard
to check the duo playlist stats.
Need help? Post here, or contact @gerhardoh on twitter.