Hey does anyone know if there is a form of followage / howlong command that will show the month, day and year they follow the stream for example X has followed Y on December 13th 2021 ? To clarify it’s not total time followed it’s the date of when the person followed
And change the format as you want.
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That format does not give month, day, or year it gives me total time followed not the day I followed
Simply copy and paste this:
!commands add $(urlfetch https://api.2g.be/twitch/followage/$(querystring $(channel))/$(querystring $(touser))?)
That will look something like: User has been following Streamer since 21-08-2021 07:08:07
Let me know if you need more help or another format.
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Thankyou this helped a lot just what I was looking for
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