Hello! I currently use this system and I wanted to make a request to anyone out there to add a couple commands if it is possible.
I was looking for a command so a mod can add someone else. Like if I typed “!join Ninja” ninja would be added to the queue. I realize this wont be done with the !join command though because you can use !join and add a message to it.
I was also curious if someone can add a feature where mods can move people in the queue. For example if there are 4 people in the queue and Shroud is number 3, I could type !move [id] 1 Then it would put him on the top of the list.
If this is possible please let me know! Thank you for the amazing api!
Hiya, thanks for the suggestions. The option to add another user is being worked on.
The moving option, I’m investigating what the best way to do this is. I don’t think there will be a manual position feature, but I’m looking at a command to boost a user to the first place of the queue, just like the !songs promote feature from Nightbot.
I think if you become manager of their Nightbot you can add it with the auto install, you’ll have to give the streamer your user ID and he’ll have to add you as manager, both actions are done from here.
Thanking for making this API. It has made taking art requests a lot easier during stream for me!
I do have a question: Is there a way to limit the max queue size?
Hiya, what’s the usecase for a longer message? I build it in there for people to leave for example their gamertag while joining the queue, where I think 50 characters should be enough.
I’ll check for an option to see the user’s message on the queue list page.
It’s only because I’m gonna be using the queue command not so much for viewers games but for song requests on Guitar Hero streams and sometimes the artist and song combined makes for a message longer than 50 characters
@xgerhard Hello! I’ve been using nbqueue for several months now and it’s been great for my viewers. Have you ever thought about extending the !next and !random commands so that it’s possible to pull the next number of vips or subscribers? For example, !next 3 subs or !random 3 vips. That way I could give priority to VIPs and subs, but also make sure that anyone who joined the queue has a chance to play rather than just restricting a queue to only subs or only vips. Thanks for the work you’ve done on the queue system!
Hiya, an update on this request… I cant make it the exact way you explained, due to how the userlevels work for Nightbot. It will work slightly different.
Available UserLevel Values
owner - Channel Owner
moderator - Channel Moderator
vip - Twitch VIP (only for Twitch accounts)
regular - Nightbot Regular (users in the regulars list)
subscriber - Paid Channel Subscriber
everyone - Normal User (default)
I use these userlevel values to determine what kind of permissions or group the user belongs to. This userlevel is saved when somebody joins the queue. The userlevels work in the order as shown above. One thing about userlevels is that a user can have only one userlevel, while it might be eligible to multiple of these groups. For example if a moderator is also a subscriber, the saved userlevel will be moderator, since its’ the highest one in the list.
What I’ve done for the queue system now is, when you specify a specific userlevel to be picked next, it will pick the next user with that userlevel AND userlevels above.
This means:
!next 1 everyone - Will pick the next user with userlevel: everyone, subscriber, regular, vip, moderator or owner (so yeah… everyone)
!next 1 subscriber - Will pick the next user with userlevel: subscriber, regular, vip, moderator or owner
!next 1 regular - Will pick the next user with userlevel: regular, vip, moderator or owner
!next 1 vip - Will pick the next user with userlevel: vip, moderator or owner
!next 1 moderator - Will pick the next user with userlevel: moderator or owner
The same goes for the !random command. If any of this is unclear let me know.
I like your approach, since this is probably closer to how I would use it in practice. I tend to think of subscribers and vips (and moderators) as the same group—people who are committed to the channel—and having the additional granularity of a Nightbot “regular” is fantastic. I’ll give !next 3 subscriber a try the next time I’ve got a waiting list (which I think is going to be tomorrow).
I appreciate you looking at this–I think it’s going to really help make my queues a little easier to manage!
Sounds good!
Just a side note, if people were already on your list/queue before this update, their userlevel will be set to ‘everyone’, so you might want to clear the queue first, when people join again their proper userlevel will be saved.