Hello I am just trying to setup regular commands for Youtube. All Default commands work just fine and I see Nightbot in the chat. But when I try to create a custom command it accepts in the UI, it’ll even accept the new command in chat with !addcom and !commands add. When I try to invoke the command in Youtube Chat Nightbot see’s my command request, but does Push the command to chat. I have tried the following
Confirmed that Nightbot sees the command calls and tested this with !title !addcom and !commands.
Custom command I trying to create is just a simple !discord command. I have created it on the website and tried it in chat, it doesnt work. Deleted the command on the web and created using !addcom !discord message inserted here, still will not call. deleted using !commands delete !discord which it does delete. Created using !commands add !discord message inserted here.
Parted channel, Rejoined channel.
Unmodded and remod and still doesnt work.
setting on default command for line miminmum is 2 with time out of 5 seconds.
Also Timers are not triggering either and I am POSITIVE I have these setup right. I have Used Nightbot in the past and this is super easy to setup basics. but for whatever reason Default commands work fine, Customs and Timers dont.
Your commands list appears to be empty, are you sure you’re logged into Nightbot with the correct account? It has to be your YouTube channel account, not your Google account, these are different.
Thank you so much Emily for replying. Actually ended up figuring it out. I manage Nightbot for a streamer, which I thought and was told had added Nightbot as a mod to the stream. turned out he did, just didnt hit save. Thank you so much for the response it is Appreciated! figured it out by deleteing the link in the Timer and in the command, went through perfectly so instantly knew it was a issue with Nightbot wasnt Modded. Thank you! can def close this