which I enter two words and the Nightbot response with a sentence, it’s great but the question is that can I edit it to have more than one response? sorry idk much about coding can you help me if it’s possible.
Do you mean to have a random RESPONSE between two or more options, but the same REST_OF_THE_SENTENCE; or is it multiple REST_OF_THE_SENTENCE options that lead to a different response each, or the same response for all of them?
no I want the the same REST_OF_THE_SENTENCE but with different random responses for example if I want to type in the chat (word word2) I want the Nightbot to response with a random sentence each time I write these 2 words like (Sentence1, Sentence2, Sentence3).
btw I have this command I found which gives more than one response but it only works for one word.
*!addcom WORD $(eval a=[RESPONSE_1,RESPONSE_2,RESPONSE_3];a[Math.floor(Math.random()a.length)])
I tried combining the two commands but it never worked since idk much about coding and commands.