Hey @AirGee!
Yes you can, but in that case we’ll modify the command a bit to be a bit more efficient, here’s how to do it for 2 sentences:
Or if the response is the same in either case:
!addcom FIRST_WORD $(eval q=`$(query)`.toLowerCase(); q.includes(`REST_OF_THE_FIRST_SENTENCE_IN_LOWER_CASE`) || q.includes(`REST_OF_THE_SECOND_SENTENCE_IN_LOWER_CASE`)?`YOUR_RESPONSE`:` `)
I’m using the ternary operator ?:
here, it replaces if/else
condition ? if truthy : if falsy
So if you want to chain these you put a new condition to test if the first condition is falsy:
condition ? if truthy : condition ? if truthy : condition ? if truthy : if falsy