!addkill command that clips the last 30 seconds and updates !lastkill command automatically

I’ve seen !addkill command on a stream, that clips the last 30 seconds and updates !lastkill command automatically.
I’ve been trying to google this with no luck, can someone help me? Thanks.

This is what i’m using now:

!lastkill → watch my last kill here: (link)
!updlastkill → !lastkill watch my last kill here: $(query)

Right now I have to clip manually and type !updlastkill (link) to update my last kill clip.

Hey @Survi!

There are two !clip API commands:

Hopefully one of them still work.

Having your !updlastkill like this should work:

!editcom !updlastkill -ul=mod -a=!editcom !lastkill watch my last kill here: CLIP_API_LINK

Replace the CLIP_API_LINK with the !clip API of your choice.

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