Will nightbot add a new Poll System?

Just wondering if Nightbot will add a different kind of poll system in the future now that Strawpoll.me is closed.

I use https://poll.ma.pe/ for my polls. :slight_smile:

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Thank you, that’s a good suggestion, especially for twitch. Hopefully they can make it work with YouTube as well.
The benefit with the Nightbot integration was to make a new poll with a new command !poll new title | option 1 | option 2 | option 3 | option 4

Hey @FindingZips!

I’ve notified the dev about StrawPoll.me being closed, and he’s not sure the command will be brought back, he doubts the command was used much, that said he had no definitive answer on the matter.

If he decides to bring it back you’ll have to be patient tho’ as he’s focused on BetterTTV for now.

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