Hi, I was testing this command listed on the UrlFetch page
!commands add !wiki Wikipedia Article: $(eval const api = $(urlfetch json https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?format=json&action=opensearch&search=$(querystring)); api.error || !api[1][0] ? 'Please add a query to the search' : ${api[1][0]} - ${api[3][0]})
But when I test it, the bot replies "Wikipedia Article: Unexpected token ‘{’ "
Also, when I try using this command
!commands add !sismo Ultimo Sismo: $(eval const api = $(urlfetch json https://api.xor.cl/sismo/) ${api[0][magnitudes][0][magnitud]} - ${api[0][magnitudes][geoReferencia]})
The bot replies “Ultimo Sismo: Unexpected identifier”
How can I fix this? Thank you.