Why might Nightbot commands fail on YouTube?

Залогинился на платформу Nightbot через Youtube выдав ему разрешение.
Добавил модератором на канал через указанную ссылку. В списке модераторов бот присутствует.
Вводя стандартную команду (!commands) в чате трансляции, ничего не происходит, так же как и с кастомными командами.
При соединении в панели Integrations, там все команды работают.
Если логиниться через Twitch, и проделать все те же стандартные настройки, то там все работает.

Logged into the Nightbot platform via Youtube and gave it permission.
Added a moderator to the channel through the specified link. The bot is in the list of moderators.
Entering a standard command (! Commands) in the broadcast chat, nothing happens, just like with custom commands.
When connected in the Integrations panel, all commands work there.
If you log in through Twitch, and do all the same standard settings, then everything works there.

Translated by Google

  • Make sure Nightbot is joined to your chat in the control panel.
    • If you recently changed your name on Twitch, you might try parting the bot and rejoining it too.

There is no bot in the list of broadcast users

  • Nightbot must be a moderator in your chat.


  • Nightbot must not be banned in your chat.

Nightbot not banned

  • If you’re on YouTube, your stream must be live. You may need to restart your stream if you operate a 24/7 stream.

When checking the bot, the stream was online

  • If you’re on YouTube, you must be looking at “Live Chat” not “Top Chat”

It is not entirely clear what Top Chat means

  • You can see if Nightbot is reading your chat by checking chat logs (there’s a slight delay on these logs, up to 60s).

The screenshots attached above show that the bot does not see the message

If it’s right at the start of the stream, it’s possible Nightbot has some delay entering the chat, because of how YouTube designed their system, that said, if the bot still isn’t there after some time, it might be a real issue.

Thank you for the translation btw, appreciate it!

Top chat is a filtered chat mode that only shows good comments.

ааа ОК
then full chat mode is enabled

Alas, the bot does not appear throughout the broadcast.

It’s very strange, but the bot started working … besides, I didn’t do anything else … How to deal with such a problem if I repeat it again?

That’s good to hear!

But sadly, if it happens again, you can only wait, especially since it works now, it means that you’re not responsible for the issue, therefore you can’t fix it. It’s likely on YouTube’s or NightDev’s side, and from past issues, it seems to be YouTube’s fault most of the time.

Thank you for responding and supporting))

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And that setting is per-view.

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