but need to use this body with the header json as well
“region”: 7,
“versus”: “players”,
“matchType”: “unranked”,
“teamSize”: “1v1”,
“searchPlayer”: “AndyCiv”,
“page”: 1,
“count”: 100
i have run it through Postman using a POST and get the following:
When i try to add this as a command through nightbot its returns unexpected identifier or error 405, could i get some help with how to add this please? the command would be “!rank username”.
I’m afraid there won’t be a solution with Nightbot alone, you’ll likely need to create your own API to fetch the data, and then call that one with Nightbot’s $(urlfetch).
Ok then not to worry, I did see someone else has already incorporated it into their own twitch/obs plugin called castmate, I was just hoping there would be a more direct approach through nightbot. Thanks again for your speedy reply.