so the wikipedia urlfetch example from the docs ( gives me a “Wikipedia Article: Unexpected token ‘{’” error. Why, and how do i resolve?
Hiya, please see: UrlFetch json doesn't work with SSL URLs
The problem isn’t SSL, it’s the missing template string quotes from the documentation code:
!commands add !wiki Wikipedia Article: $(eval const api = $(urlfetch json$(querystring)); api.error || !api[1][0] ? 'Please add a query to the search' : ${api[1][0]} - ${api[3][0]} )
!commands add !wiki Wikipedia Article: $(eval const api = $(urlfetch json$(querystring)); api.error || !api[1][0] ? 'Please add a query to the search' : *${api[1][0]} - ${api[3][0]}* )
where * should be `
They’re not missing per se, but they’re not visible on the docs because it looks like they are used for formatting on said docs.
Correct, that’s what i said in my comment.
Indeed you did, apologies. Might’ve not read it at first glance lol =)
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