Update streak in twitch title

i searched here but coulnd’t find an answer.
sorry i don’t speak english well,i’ll try my best.

i would like create a command that update a streak in the twitch’s title.
for example: when i type !streak 2
my title update to " blablatitle 2-0 [FR/EN]"

i tried this command :
!addcom !streak -a=!title eden streak $(1)-0 [FR/ENG]

it’s kinda work,but i need edit my command everytime i want change title,and also it delete my twitch category (game’s name) when i use it.
so i need your help please,for maybe find a better way to do this command.

Thank you

Hey @Kempolajuwon!

Sadly there’s no way to keep your former title without retyping it or editing the command with it, what you could do however is something similar to what I did there:

thank you for your answer.
the first command is a bit too complicated for me,sorry.
i don’t know what change i should do to it.

i’ll use the second one,the simple version :
!addcom !streak -a=!title $(twitch $(channel) “Eden streak | S $(1)-0 [FR/ENG]”)

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