i searched here but coulnd’t find an answer.
sorry i don’t speak english well,i’ll try my best.
i would like create a command that update a streak in the twitch’s title.
for example: when i type !streak 2
my title update to " blablatitle 2-0 [FR/EN]"
i tried this command :
!addcom !streak -a=!title eden streak $(1)-0 [FR/ENG]
it’s kinda work,but i need edit my command everytime i want change title,and also it delete my twitch category (game’s name) when i use it.
so i need your help please,for maybe find a better way to do this command.
Sadly there’s no way to keep your former title without retyping it or editing the command with it, what you could do however is something similar to what I did there: