Timer that shows who is Hosting my Stream?

So far I’ve moved all my commands and timers from Streamlabs Chatbot and Streamelements to Nightbot but 1.

On Chatbot I can have a timer go off every few minutes that shows all the channels that are hosting my stream in the given moment it puts the timed message in chat and I would really like it if I could do the same with Nightbot.

Could someone please give me the appropriate variables/scrip/code/whatever to do the same via Nightbot please?
I basically want it to appear in the chat like this: “/me Special thanks to everyone hosting the stream which includes: [channel name], [channel name], etc…”

You can use something like:

Special thanks to everyone hosting the stream: $(eval const {hosts} = $(urlfetch json https://tmi.twitch.tv/hosts?include_logins=1&target=$(channelid)); hosts.map(({host_display_name}) => host_display_name).splice(0, 10).join(', ') || 'none')
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Is there anyway this could be used as a command ?

Yes, I tested it out just copy and past what’s above into the message field of the command :stuck_out_tongue: can be called whatever.

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