[Suggestion][Nightbot-API] Send queue requester username via API?

Using the nightbot API, its possible to add a parameter to send the username who requested the queue song?

In the doc, is located on “#add-new-queue-item

Actualy we have the q as the song/url only.

Thanks for the suggestion. However, this is tricky to allow because the system doesn’t permit “spoofing” at present. Allowing the API to spoof the requester could cause confusion if used improperly. Is there a reason you need this?

I am using the nightbot api together my bot software (MixItUp) via http requests. This way i can control everything on nightbot with my bot, but on song request, the songs go with my name instead the original requester.
Is not a problem, just a thing to make requesters more happy :stuck_out_tongue:

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