Subscribe of a month

I know there exist a command line to show all subscribers at least 30 days.
$(twitch $(channel) “{{subscriberCount}}”)

but exist a command to the see all subs in a month? Means from 01.-31. of a month
This count are more important for some streamers then last 30 days.
thank you

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Hey @abgematzt!

The $(twitch) variable relies on the Twitch API, and the data you’re looking for is not offered by Twitch themselves (not publicly at least, you might be able to access that data somewhere on your Twitch dashboard for all I know), so what you’re looking for is not possible as of now.

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ohh ok. I didn’t know that TWITCH doesn’t provide this data via their interface. Without this info it’s hard to create a command out of it.
Makes sense. :slight_smile:
thanks for the feedback


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