Spotify playlist stopped working?

I’m dealing with the same issue as well. Part of me is glad to hear it’s not just me. Can’t find any helpful info online about it. Nightbot has been working perfectly until today.

looks like their has been an update to spotify

I’m having the same problem. The problem started yesterday evening after a Spotify update.

Great to know I’m not the only one. I will be looking out for an update then. looks like its back to youtube and listening to troll songs…yay…

Looks like Flacko on the discord has tried some stuff to no avail;

Flacko: Ok. I Would like to give my input about this Spotify issue, as i have it also. I’ve rolled back from the current Spotify version to couple older ones. None worked. I’ve also tested with OBS 17.0.2 and OBS 18.0.1. Doesn’t have an impact. I’ve also downloaded and installed the very latest NighBot app from the website twice. Doesn’t work. What i do know though, is that it started after the latest Spotify update rolled out.

Just wanted to reply and echo the above sentiment. The bot stopped integrating with spotify as of the latest update… have we heard anything official from the devs?

The functionality nightbot offered here was huge - hoping it can be fixed soon :slight_smile:

Same here, not working anymore!

same here, repair this please

Apologies for the delay. I have not had time to look into this yet, but will try to later today.


Thank you! You rock!!

Thank you very much for having a look into it, it almost feels like my arm has been chopped off without it working on my stream :anguished:

any update on this? spotify is still not playing with nightbot. song requests work from youtube links but i cannot play a playlist from spotify

Awesome! As long as it gets fixed in a semi-timely manner i’ll be happy.

please help been having this problem for about a week, tried everything, reinstalling the nightbot app, reinstalling Spotify. nothing has worked. nightbot will no longer play Spotify for me. hope there is a fix soon.

Same issue here, hasn’t worked for a few days now.

Mine was working fine until there was a spotify update. Im surprised Nightbot hasnt corrected the issue or would it be down to Spotify to correct?

We have released a new app version (0.0.5) at


MY MAN! Thanks a ton.

Thankyou guys awesome!

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