Spam Protection - URL Issues


I’ve been having nothing but issues with Nightbot timing people out when they request YouTube links. I only use Nightbot for url protection, I don’t use it to play YouTube music. I use another bot for that.

“”!songrequest"" Was the last link to get timed out but shouldn’t my whitelist already clear that? :confused:

I don’t know what I’m doing wrong at this point so if you can help me with a correctly formatted list then I would really appreciate that.

Sorry about that, your formatting is 100% correct. You seemed to have found a bug, until it’s fixed just expand your whitelist of Youtube to:

Thanks for the reply and hard work.

I tried to white list and not white list twitch tv + the http twitch tv on my discord server to disable all other links, “everyone” is able to link, when I want it disabled, could you give me the exact ! command to DISABLE ALL LINKS unless white listed, I want ALL LINKS disabled from “everyone”, is this a bug too on NightBot?
The bot doesn’t work as it is supposed to.

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