Song Request flashing making it unusable

New Nightbot panel for some reason keeps flashing on the song request page like its auto trying to play a song on the playlist tab of songs that are already there. When I click queue, it just swaps automatically back to playlist and goes back to flashing between trying to play a song and the flashing to the next song. It never even plays the song, it just swaps to it, then flashes to the next song and does that on an infinite loop. It doesn’t work on both opera and edge. On opera somehow it takes control of my browser and I cant type in the address bar, but on edge that doesn’t happen.

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Do you have a mod who can access the Auto DJ online?

I have a mode who moved a song to the top of the queue. After it played, my queue thought the next song will be the one that originally followed it. The queue proceeds to play/eject all the songs that came before it.

This is pretty irritating when you see 3 songs start/stop one after the other. It looks like flashes of images.

Thanks for the report. We’re working on additional improvements to the playlists system on the new panel. Hopefully that will address some of these issues.

With regards to “flashing,” the system will automatically play and skip unsupported requests. Sometimes playlist items can go stale, meaning that they are no longer available or no longer embeddable. When that happens, some items could be played and skipped in realtime upon error. I believe that’s the behavior you’re seeing, but if you are still having trouble please share a video and that will help us to narrow down the behavior you’re seeing.

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