I want to create a shoutout with !so that repiles $(touser) then adds the URL to the touser aswell
I have created a command @$(touser) is a legend go check them out https://youtube.com/channel/$(userid)
but for some reason, it does get the bot to @reply to the right user but the URL always directs to the moderator’s channel that sent out the !so
I want to set it up so that the URL changes to the person you tagged in the !so but I can’t for the life of me work out how to do this
To my knowledge nightbot has no way of getting someone else’s userid it will just be whoever used the command so I don’t think you can really make that command atleast not that way.
this is the Variables I used to get the URL
$(touser) is a another cool streamer on Twitch. Go check them out at… $(twitch $(touser) “{{url}} They were last playing {{game}}”)