!requestsong alias

I’m trying to make an alias for !requestsong but it’s not working.
the current alias that I created is the following: !commands add -ul=everyone !songrequest -a=!requestsong $(query)
What’s wrong with it?

Your command isn’t in the right format, you need to put the alias and userlevel before the command response. Also, the default command for requesting songs is !songs request so you’ll want to alias to this rather than !songrequest.

Try this: !commands add !requestsong -a=!songs request $(query)

You can read more on adding commands here :+1:

The standard command in this stream is !requestsong [link] and I want it to be triggered by !songrequest since a lot of the new people do that command instead.

Aliases for those already exist by default. You can simply use !songrequest and it will work.

For some reason, they don’t exist in that channel.

The following aliases for !songs request exist on Nightbot:


For more information on operating the AutoDJ system read our docs at https://docs.nightbot.tv/control-panel/autodj
For more information on operating the !songs command read our docs at https://docs.nightbot.tv/commands/songs

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