Remove nightbot from youtube account

How to remove Nightbot from youtube account?

@Shadow It would be better if you say more clearly. There are many ways to remove Nightbot from the YouTube stream:-

[1]. Unmod the Nightbot. (Removing the moderation access of Nightbot)
[2]. Click on “Part Channel” in the Nightbot dashboard
[3]. Delete your Nightbot account
[4]. Remove Nighbot permission(s) from your google account (Not sure about this)


I make all steps that you recomand.
When i have Nightbot at moderators i cant see his messeges, now, wen i dont have nightbot on account i cant see his messeges.
That live is having Nightbot because i can see Nightbot messeges from an other account.
Why i cant view Nightbot messeges in youtube chat?
Please help!

@Shadow Hm Hm, I don’t understand what you mean, better you rephrase what you said. If English is not your Native language or you can’t write English consider using a Translator.

As per my understanding, this is not possible. If the account is being deleted there is no chance of Nightbot shows up in that chat.

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