hello, when we install the bot on the remote desktop, what should we do to keep it active when we leave the remote desktop?
Hey @tavansun!
You don’t install a bot that runs on the cloud, so either you’re confused, or you’re using a bot that isn’t developed by NightDev, in which case we can’t help.
hello emily yes i am using Nightbot i have installed it but when i leave remote desktop connection Nightbot stops and when i enter remote desktop connection again it starts working again can you help with this nightbot_v0.1.4_win
The Nightbot app you’re using is made to provide extra functionality to song requests, so you can use hotkeys to control the music and show which song is currently playing.
Also, the app has a new version, try updating to it and see if it fixes your problem.
“Remote desktop connection” means nothing to us, it doesn’t translate to anything we can link to the bot, so if the issue persists, try to explain in details what is happening, and don’t try to summarize it behind a few word: what you want to do? what you’re trying to get there, steps by steps? what are the results you’re seeing? what are the results you’re expecting? etc.
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