@$(user), $(eval m=‘$(urlfetch json https://valomind.com/api/mmr-history/AP/Huunter101/BTHL)’;r=JSON.parse(m);t=0;h=new Date().getHours();p=new Date().getDate();a=0;b=0;for(i=0;i<r.data.length;i++){d=r.data[i].date;s=d.indexOf(“,”,d.indexOf(“,”)+1);d=d.substring(s-2,s);n=r.data[i].mmr_change_to_last_game;if(h>16&&d>p){d=p;}if(p==d&&n>0){t+=n;a++;}else if(p==d){t+=n;b++;}}g="Huunter101 is ";if(t>0){g+="UP ";}else{g+=“DOWN “;}g+=t+“RR. He is “+a+”-”+b+” in the past 24hrs.”;g;) this comes up with a problem saying Unexpected token ‘R’, “Remote Ser”… is not valid JSON
seems to be outputting an error message, so you’ll likely need to reach out to whoever runs that service to report the issue.
i have a new code which outputs what im looking for, but i cant customize it can you guys help me customize it a bit more to something like this,
@user, Huunter101 is currently 1W-2L. He is DOWN -7 RR this stream! (If the record seems off, he’s probably on an alt or stream restarted)
at the moment it outputs this - [Refresh Daily] Total of 3W-0L in ranked matches within the past 24 hours! UP: Gained +55RR within the past 24 hours! Win Percentage: 100.00% | Win-Loss Ratio: 3
$(urlfetch json https: //api. kyroskoh.xyz/valorant/v1/winlose/ap/Huunter101/BTHL). i had forgot to add the code
and i added a space to the xyz part because its a link
$(eval const data = "$(urlfetch json https://api.kyroskoh.xyz/valorant/v1/winlose/ap/Huunter101/BTHL)"; const matches = data.match(/(\d+)W-(\d+)L/); const rr = data.match(/(?:DOWN: Lost|Gained) ([+-]?\d+)RR/); matches && rr ? "$(touser), Huunter101 is currently " + matches[1] + "W-" + matches[2] + "L. He is " + (rr[1].startsWith("-") ? "DOWN " : "UP ") + rr[1] + "RR this stream! (If the record seems off, he’s probably on an alt or stream restarted)" : "Data not available or format has changed.")
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