I have addet the Command ‘‘we have currently $(twitch subcount) Subs’’ but if the command is triggered nightbot is writing:
‘‘we have currently Not authorized to access channel’s subscriptions. Has the channel owner logged into the Nightbot control panel? Subs’’
pls help…i’m logged in to the Nightbot website dashboard…I dont know what to do!
Hey @fuzuya!
First make sure the command is properly written:
$(twitch $(channel) "We currently have {{subscriberCount}} subscribers.")
If the issue persists, go to the dashboard, log out if you’re still logged in, and log back in. If you’re not the channel owner, make them do it.
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thang you very much…the command was written wrong <3
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is there a youtube one that i could use please and thank you!
Sadly there isn’t a $(youtube)
variable to fetch that info yet, so it’s not possible for now.
I believe it’s due to YouTube not having an API end point for this, but I could be wrong.
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