Hi all! I’ve been combing the internet and reddit etc looking for answers, but no avail. I recently set up this command on my twitch, it seems to be working fine BUT nobody gets 100% … We had 3 streams, my chat was spamming the command and not a single person got 100%. I tried spamming the command as well and nothing. We have over 20 people in chat all using it for multiple streams and no nobody got 100%
$(touser) is $(eval Math.floor((Math.random() * 100)))% sweet!
That’s the code, is there something I can tweak or change to make the chance of 100% a possibility? Or did I code this wrong?
This is where all the numeric representation nerds have a chance to shine!
Short answer:
You can get values 0-100, including both 0 and 100, with $(touser) is $(eval Math.floor((Math.random() * 101)))% sweet!
Longer answer:
From some Javascript docs:
The Math.random() static method returns a floating-point, pseudo-random number that’s greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1
That means that a generated number can be incredibly close to 1, but will always be slightly smaller. The rest of the code multiplies that value by 100 and rounds down, which gets you a number slightly less than 100 (and then rounds down to the nearest whole number). That’s why you aren’t seeing any perfect 100%s from the command.