Random Active User via variables

I would like to ask if there is another way how to pick a random active user via variables. I know the command !winner but I mean something like $(randomuser) or something like that, thanks.

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!commands add !slap $(user) has slapped $(urlfetch https://2g.be/twitch/randomviewer.php?channel=$(channel)).

You could use something like this, it picks a random person from the chat.


Well, that seems like it doesn’t work for me at all :confused: It says [empty response]…

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Works fine for me. Did you put your own channelname in there, and there has to be someone in your channel since its picking a random viewer. I edited something though, so it should not give an empty response anymore.

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Well, I just copy whole command and it didn’t work for me… And yes, I put right channelname in there. Still returning: Nightbot: BlabosCZ has slapped Empty viewer list even though there are viewers in chat.

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Ah, I think I found the problem, apparently capital letters are not allowed. You don’t have to change anything, the code will change the channelname to lowercase, so just try again.

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Oh, thanks! It works for me now :slight_smile:

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