I am the person who is the manager of the person who broadcasts. I checked that the command to check the follow period continued to error on the broadcast.
Commands in use are
!addcom !팔로우 -cd=5 $(eval var u=‘$(twitch $(user) “{{displayName}}”)’,s=‘$(twitch $(channel) “{{displayName}}”)’,a=“$(urlfetch https://api.2g.be/twitch/followage/$(channel)/$(user)?format=daysint)”;if(a==s+" is not following “+s)“스트리머 본인은 확인할 수 없습니다”;else if(a==u+” is not following “+s)u+” 님은 “+s+” 님을 팔로우 하지 않으셨습니다";else u+" 님이 “+s+” 님을 팔로우 한지 "+ ++a +“일 째”
If i use this command, it comes out like this.
(Me) is followed (Streamer) for NaN days.
The sentence below is a Korean sentence that appears to be set in the command.
허암 님이 허샘 님을 팔로우 한지 NaN일 째
Am I wrong?
Or I’d like to know if Nightbot doesn’t offer any more.