Pull a word after a command?

Hi everyone,

I’m the main moderator for my destiny 2 clan leaders channel on twitch and I’m still learning the basics of nightbot, he wants a command where he can shout out other streamers that are in his chat. Is there a way to have nightbot pull a word after a command and then insert the word in specific places in the response?

For example the command would be !so and Nightbot would respond with a message like “We have another streamer in chat! Welcome @ and be sure to give them a follow at www.twitch.tv/

I’ve looked at the forums and command instructions and ToUser seems like it might be what I should use, but I’m not sure and I don’t know how to implement it.

Any help is appreciated!


Yes, you would use $(touser) like so:

!addcom -cd=5 !so We have another streamer in chat! Welcome @$(touser) and be sure to give them a follow at www.twitch.tv/$(touser)

!so [username of streamer]

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