For anyone who also have the pokemon !battle command within their twitch chats:
(I did not personally make this code, if someone knows to whom I need to give credit, ill post it once informed)
!addcom !battle A wild $(user) appears & attacks $(touser)! $(user) uses $(eval a=$(urlfetch json;a[Math.floor(Math.random()*a.length)]). $(eval var a=["It misses...","It's super effective! $(touser) faints","It's not very effective... "]; a[Math.floor(Math.random()*a.length)];)!
I got a request to make a Pokémon item command that pops out a random word item and then “uses it” in chat. I thought it would be awesome to pair it with the battle command to make chats more fun that use nightbot.
I wish nightbot had a higher character limit than just 500, but oh well!
Hope everyone loves the code
!addcom !useitem $(user) rummaged through their bag and pulled out an item! $(eval a=[`Antidote`,`Burn Heal`,`Courage Candy`,`Energy Powder`,`Energy Root`,`Fresh Water`,`Full Heal`,`Full Restore`,`Heal Powder`,`Health Candy`,`HP Up`,`Hyper Potion`,`Ice Heal`,`Max Elixir`,`Max Ether`,`Max Potion`,`Max Revive`,`Mighty Candy`,`Moomoo Milk`,`Paralyze Heal`,`Quick Candy`,`Rage Candy Bar`,`Rare Candy`,`Revival Herb`,`Revive Medicine`,`Sacred Ash`,];a[Math.floor(Math.random()*a.length)]) Was used!