I’ll be as clear as I can be, and I always appreciate the time you guys spend reading these messages. So at first and foremost, much love to the community!
I want to know how I might add a query string to pastebin via a command, so I can then use a different command to pull the query from whomever posted it, or by using “@user” to find their quote.
I want to use this to add a bunch of birthdays, since my current command just takes too many commands to accomplish.
This is what I currently use for reference
There are/is $(countdown 04 11 $(eval a=new Date;if(a.getMonth()>3||(a.getMonth()==3&&a.getDate()>=11)){c=a.getFullYear()+1;}else{c=a.getFullYear();}c) 00:00:00 MST) until April 11th!
Here is something I might try: let me know what you think if you’re following this <3
Trying my best
Should this allow me to pull user by name and list the birthday? Will test later if nobody replies. Prepping for wife’s bday
a=`$(urlfetch json https://pastebin.com/raw/XXXXXXXX)`.split(`;`).filter(a=>a);
let name=decodeURIComponent(`$(querystring)`);
let found=a.find(i=>i.startsWith(name));
found?found.split(` `)[1]:r(a);