Other Users Can't Make Song Request

Hey Emily!

I was able to locate what you were talking about and removed Nightbot, re-added it and it still didn’t work. People still can’t chat in song requests.

Alright, thanks for trying, I’m really sorry none of our attempts worked, this leads me to believe something is wrong on the backend, can you give us your channel ID so the dev can have a look at it?

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Sure thing. My nightbot user id (if that’s what you mean by channel id is … User ID: 62c8405e108ca2316ca0728d

Or perhaps you mean Youtube channel id in which case it is … Channel ID: UCWs7xO3aaNyVy2JIT_D6g0g

I think either will work, thank you.

@night when you have a minute, can you have a look at this, please?
We’ve tried everything I can think of.

Thanks for your work Emily.

Any other word on this?

No problem!

The dev will come back to you when he has the time, he’s quite busy tho’, so I’ll ask you to be patient, even though I understand it’s frustrating that it doesn’t work, but don’t worry if the topic closes, he’ll reopen it to answer you, just make sure you have notifications on to know when he does.

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