O NightBot não está lendo o meu chat (YouTube)

Bom Dia.

Usava o NightBot pelo youtube há alguns anos atrás e agora instalei ele novamente no chat do youtube e percebo pelos logs que ele não está lendo e nem mandando nada no chat. Poderia me ajudar ?

Hey @MattyBala!

Have a look here: Nightbot Troubleshooting
If you still need help let us know.

This forum is in English, please use a translator if you don’t know how to speak it.
English isn’t my first language either, yet I put in the effort to write in the forum’s language.

I used NightBot on youtube a few years ago and now I installed it again in the youtube chat and I notice from the logs that it is not reading or sending anything in the chat. Would you help me ?

Yes, we will if the Nightbot Troubleshooting guide I linked before doesn’t solve your issue, follow the steps there and hopefully that may solve your issue.

Ola sou Wilson Ribeiro…meus comandos só responde dois chats do nightbot e pois não responde mais quero saber por que isso não ta respondendo

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