Not able to open BTTV settings on firefox

Just redownloaded firefox and bttv, cant seem to open the settings, any help would be appreciated

Check the chat settings, not the user dropdown.

I am having the same issue, I have just installed the bttv addon for firefox, it is currently activated and I have restarted firefox yet there are no new options anywhere on twitch, not in the cogwheel near chat or in the drop down menu near my name.

I have completely reinstalled firefox and the bttv add-on and something has changed but I seem to be missing any sort of options that bttv had in the past. Now when I click on the cog wheel It shows what name I am using the ability to change my chat color pop out chat, add time stamp to chat. Where are the actual settings for this plugin, what happened? How do I set it to prevent chat clearing or message deleteing I am so confused

I found a fix for the issue I was having. Even though I removed and reinstalled firefox it seems the cache was not removed from my computer. Going into the firefox history and clear all the cache fixed everyting, its working now

We pushed a release tonight that addresses this issue.

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