I’m using the !time command like this. $(time US/Eastern “h:mm:ss”) Is it possible to show this time but subtract 30 seconds from the output? Youtube has my livestream on a 30 seconds delay and it would be really nice to be able to do a time callout that is kinda in sync with the real time.
Anyone have an idea?
It would not be possible to subtract time from the time variable. YouTube should have an option for a lower latency mode which is closer to real time.
This is actually possible using the $(eval) variable though not easy use this:
$(eval a="$(time US/Eastern "hh:mm:ss")".split(":");function subtractTime(a) {b=parseInt(a[0]);c=parseInt(a[1]);d=parseInt(a[2]);time="";if(d<30) {e=Math.floor(d-30);f=Math.floor(60+e);if(c<1) {g=59;if(b<2) {i=12} else {i=Math.floor(b-1)}} else {i=b;g=Math.floor(c-1)}} else {i=b;g=c;f=Math.floor(d-30)};if(f<10) {j="0"+f} else {j=f};if(g<10) {k="0"+g} else {k=g};time+=i+":"+k+":"+j;return time};subtractTime(a))
Copy and paste that into the message field wherever you want the time to go.
Note:Add this via nightbot dashboard as it’s to big to send through chat.
Example of adding it:
It’s is currently (copy and paste here) for $(channel).
How to configure the !time command to show the timing for IST, which is +05:30GMT
@timepassdude this should work for you purposes just copy and paste this where you want the time in the command:
$(eval a="$(time Asia/Oral "hh:mm:ss:a")".split(":");function addTime(a) {Time="";c=parseInt(a[0]);b=parseInt(a[1]);if(b>29) {d=Math.floor(b+30);e=Math.floor(d-60);if(c==12) {f=1;if(a[3]=="am") {g="pm"} else {g="am"}} else {f=Math.floor(c+1);g=a[3]}} else {e=Math.floor(b+30);f=c;g=a[3]};if(e<10) {h="0"+e} else {h=e};Time+=f+":"+h+":"+a[2]+" "+g;return Time};addTime(a))
Hope this helped
@potatoeaterlove how do I get !watchtime to work what’s the command
Hey @jaydon0410!
Nightbot can’t keep track of the amount of time someone has watched your stream, sorry.
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