Nightbot not running commands even after following reset steps

Hi I am head mod for a Twitch channel and setup commands using nightbot. Nightbot stopped working so i advised the the streamer to reset nightbot. I had him use the /unmod nad mod commands then I parted and joined his channel to no avail. I know this works as I have experienced it my other streamer. So I researched and stumbled upon an article where a streamer was having the same issue where these steps were not working; he had recently changed his stream name. This is actually the same scenario for this streamer he just changed his name a few weeks ago. I now notice that the name within nightbot is still showing the previous name. What steps do I have to do, to have nightbot recognize the new channel name? Thank you!

If the name of the channel is changed, sometimes it can help if the broadcaster performs the following steps:

  1. Part Nightbot in the dashboard
  2. Log out of the Nightbot dashboard
  3. Log in to the Nightbot dashboard
  4. Re-join Nightbot in the dashboard

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