Nightbot not role syncing no matter what I do

Like the title says, for some reason Nightbot won’t auto sync mod roles.
I tried removing it from server and adding back, re-doing the settings in the dashboard and still nothing.

The way I know is broken is because I’ve told some mods to link twitch to their discord but it didn’t work, I’ve also given another member mod role who doesn’t have twitch linked and still nothing, it never got removed.

Any idea why it’s doing that?

Hey @alkonsi!

On Discord, make sure Nightbot’s role is higher than your moderator role, and that it has the Manage Roles permission.

Hey Emily,

the bot role is already higher than the mod role and the bot role has Administrator perms.

That bot role has admin permission so if it would be to me and @alkonsi and @Emily what happens

To be honest, @CassalEmalMaTem I have no idea what you just said.

Does anyone have any idea what is causing this?

Hmm, okay, and are your mods sending messages in a channel the bot can see? Won’t ask you if they have their Twitch and Discord accounts linked, you already said they do.

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