Nightbot not joining my channel

So according to nightbot app it should be connected to my channel. Bot is mod, not blocked nor ignored, still cant see it in my viewer list and its not answering to any commands. Bot worked fine yesterday but today Boom nothing.
Edit - And i use it to in youtube channel

Its the same with me, i also would like to know what is going on

now it started working again.Whole day nothing, and i didnt change a thing in the bot settings. Restarted stream like 10-30 times tho. Just got bored, and left it be, now it started working fine again. :smiley:

And gone again… issue might be between nightbot and youtube servers. As youtube had issues today.
Nightbot itself seems to work fine

YouTube’s chat relies on polling, so Nightbot is only in your stream when it’s live. If your channel is live, it can take Nightbot a few minutes to join. Depending on how active your chat is it may take Nightbot 1-60 seconds to respond to a command (YouTube defines this polling rate, not us).

If it’s not responding it can be a few things:

  • Nightbot cannot read your chat. You can check Nightbot’s chat logs at to confirm it can read chat. If it cannot read chat it might be banned or not modded. Your stream could be set to unlisted or private. Live chat could also be disabled. YouTube might also be having some random issue.
  • Nightbot cannot reply. Make sure your responses are under 200 characters and that they do not contain anything blocked within your channel’s blocked words list. If Nightbot cannot reply or moderate it will temporarily leave your chat.
  • YouTube can block Nightbot’s responses as spam if they are repeated frequently, so you may need to turn off their spam filtering in your live chat settings.

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